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Liaoyang Carbon Yibo Graphite Equipment Co., Ltd

Contact: Mr. Wang

Tel.: 13841980168

Contact: Mr. Hao

Tel.: 13604999536

Contact: Ms. Wu

Tel.: 13504198030

Fax: 0419-2531777


Website: www.ltyibo com

Headquarter address: Tong'erbao Economic Development Zone, Liaoyang County, Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province

Production address of graphite equipment: Wangjia, Wangshuitai Street, Taizihe District, Liaoyang, Liaoning

Structure diagram and working principle of graphite heat exchanger

2022-11-09 10:43:21

Operating principle of graphite heat exchanger

Graphite material not only has acid corrosion resistance, but also has good heat conduction performance. The graphite material core is made into a vertical and horizontal block hole structure separated from each other. When the two mediums pass through each other, the high temperature medium continuously transfers heat to the graphite heat exchanger, and the low temperature medium continuously gets heat from the heat exchanger, thus realizing heat exchange.

Graphite heat exchanger has good corrosion resistance, heat transfer surface is not easy to scale, and heat transfer performance is good. However, graphite material is easy to crack, has low bending and tensile strength, and can only be used for low pressure. Even if the block hole structure with good pressure bearing capacity is used, the working pressure is generally only 0.11~0.65 MPa. Graphite heat exchanger has high cost, large volume, and few uses.

Graphite cooler uses cooling water or frozen brine to cool the medium that needs cooling; Graphite condenser is mainly used for the condensation of gaseous medium, which aims to condense the medium into liquid or water vapor in the medium. Generally, the lower part of graphite equipment is equipped with enterprise separation device.

The main heat exchange part of the tubular type is composed of graphite tubes, generally the corrosive medium goes inside the tube and the cooling medium goes outside the tube; The block hole type is mainly composed of graphite blocks, with horizontal holes and vertical holes drilled inside, and two kinds of media respectively, to achieve the purpose of heat exchange.

Manufacturer of graphite heat exchanger

Advantages: It is suitable for non oxidizing or weakly oxidizing strong acids, alkalis, salt solutions, most organic solvents and composite media of organic acids. The thermal conductivity is higher than many metals, second only to copper and aluminum, 2 times larger than carbon steel, 5 times larger than stainless steel, ranking first in non-metallic materials, and suitable for making various heat exchange equipment. Small linear expansion coefficient, high temperature resistance and heat shock resistance. The surface is not easy to scale and has no pollution. Good machining performance. Small density and light weight.

Disadvantages: Graphite heat exchanger is divided into block hole type and tube shell type. The main disadvantage of block hole graphite heat exchanger is that once leakage occurs, it is difficult to find out and repair. The disadvantage of shell and tube graphite heat exchanger is that the strength of the graphite tube is relatively low, and the steam pressure used cannot exceed 0.15 MPa; The flow rate of the heated medium is low and can only be controlled at 2~3m/s; The temperature difference between the inlet and outlet can only be controlled at 2-4 ℃, and the heat exchanger is large.


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